Winter calls for warm and comfort foods. Although, oatmeal was never part of my diet nor my culture, I've learned to embrace the benefits of this soothing food to kick start my days, especially in the cold months. Now, it's a staple in my home.
My weekly meal prep and meal planning are paying off as there are days when the morning stiffness can last up to three hours, especially when the weather is damp and humid. Instead of reaching out for a cookie and black coffee with little nutrition value, I warm up some Quinoa Oatmeal for breakfast to boost up my energy!
✅ Seasonal Foods: Sweet Potato is rich in beta carotene (antioxidant), which converts into Vitamin A once ingested. For better absorption is best to consume it in combination with a fat source (Coconut oil in this case). Vitamin A is known for its benefits for eye health.
✅Fresh fruit (grapes) to add extra fibre, vitamin C and Vitamin K.
✅Meal prep tip: use cooked quinoa and baked sweet potato prepared in advance.
Here is the Sweet Potato & Walnut Quinoa Oatmeal recipe, a couple of variations, and a few meal prep tips. Enjoy.

1 cup Gluten Free Oats (Only Oats is one of my favourite brands)
1 Tbsp coconut oil
2 cups water
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp cinnamon, powder
1/4 tsp nutmeg, powder
1 Tbsp flax seeds
1 cup quinoa, cooked
3 cups almond or soy milk (or any other milk alternative)
1/3 cup sweet potato, baked
1/4 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 walnuts, chopped
2 Tbsp Maple Syrup (optional)
✅ In a saucepan over medium heat, start by toasting the oat flakes on coconut oil until they are slightly brown.
✅ Add water, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Bring to boil until oats are cooked.
✅ Reduce heat to low and add almond milk, cooked quinoa, coconut, sweet potato, and vanilla extract. Bring to boil and let it simmer for five minutes.
✅Remove from heat and let stand covered for 5 minutes. Serve immediately, add extra almond milk, walnuts and maple syrup if desired.

Ginger Flax Quinoa Oatmeal

Add raisins or cranberries instead of sweet potato
Add ginger powder instead of cinnamon
Add 1 tsp of high quality Omega 3 oil. I use NutraSea as it doesn't have a strong fish after taste. Make sure you add it to the individual serving, not while cooking.
Crunchy Quinoa Oatmeal

Add Chia seeds instead of flax seeds
Sprinkle with roasted nuts or gluten free KIND honey clusters or gluten free granola for some crunch
Meal Prep Tips:

✅Batch cooking: double up the recipe and store in your preferred storage containers. You may store in the freezer up to 1-2 months.
✅Prepare for the week: pour the prepared quinoa oatmeal into Mason Jars for a quick grab-and-go breakfast in the morning. You may heat up in the microwave (lid off). Put in the fridge up to 3-4 days.